In Alan Moore’s “V for Vendetta” the underground lair of the main character is a treasure trove of art, music, and cultural artifacts that he calls the Shadow Gallery, an endless source of inspiration and enrichment that by its very nature threatens the oppressive status quo. I remember being really struck by how awesome that was, collecting all of the masterpieces and subversive art to ensure they survived, and encapsulated by the thought that “A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having” ~ I took this to mean that all of the things deemed frivolous or dangerous by the vested interests of a corporate state are verily the very things that bring color, wonder, joy, and meaning into our lives.
My own Shadow Gallery has been kept secret for a very long time, and I’ve come to realize that by having it buried I am essentially hoarding what should be shared. What’s the point of being creative, having stories to tell, and songs to sing, if they’re not shared? For years I have written and composed and recorded and then moved on, putting whatever was created on the shelf and not looking back ~ it was always about the process and how the act of creating something was essentially therapeutic. But I’ve come to realize that this pattern doesn’t serve me anymore, nor potentially anyone else, and so it’s time to open the doors and explore.
All of my projects, all of my offerings, are the tales I have to tell,
The Tales from the Shadow Gallery.
As a creative, I can’t help but produce and am happy to be finally taking my creations off of the shelves and begin leaving them out for you to find. But I needed a place to set free the music and writing and circus performance art that comes through me in all of their various forms, and so it’s time to build a house for all of this creativity. Projects might be whimsical or serious, some philosophical or opinionated. Sometimes it’s just a pure celebration of the human spirit or exploring the depths of the human condition, or focusing on the wonders of our earth. Sometimes the spotlight will be on how we grow and evolve through our pain and turmoil to become better versions of ourselves, as individuals, as communities, and as the living organism that is earth.
For so long I’ve tried to make sense of where all of these different expressions fit, so instead of trying to find that place I’ve decided to create it as well. And here we are ~ I raise my glass to you ~ Cheers for sharing this adventure with me! So welcome to my Shadow Gallery, and as we emerge into the light I hope you are touched and inspired by your visit. If any of these tales move you in any way, please consider sharing them in your world and amongst your friends, and invite them to visit the gallery for themselves.
Onwards Team Human…
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