Natural Mystery
A dear friend just reminded me of some amazing creativity I contributed to a couple years back, and it made me realize that I never shared this gem here in my own pages.

Philadelphia based band Stereo League approached me in the early spring of 2019 asking if I would be game to work with them in an upcoming music video. They had heard that I was a Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey alumni and they wanted to feature a melancholy clown in the shoot.
The more I heard of the vision for this music video the more excited I was to be in it, as it was definitely a quirky outside of the box concept. The vision called for me to take advantage of many of the skills I’ve acquired over the years, as well as being in a very unique and surreal setting. I’m in!
Little did I know that they were working with a high-end production company with a full crew and a truck load of gear. I’ve done a couple of corporate commercial shoots over the years, but this was on a whole other level within a perfect intersection of passion-project and technical expertise. It’s always a joy to work with consummate professionals, and this weekend was exemplary.

The first day ended up being somewhere between 15 & 16 hours in multiple locations. Even though the hours were crazy long, everyone on set had a blast and it was super playful. We spent the day at one mansion shooting indoor scenes, and then spent the evening an hour away at another mansion’s pool shooting the underwater scenes. Then after wrapping around 2am, the call was made for everyone to crash for 3 hours and then drive down to a town just north of Atlantic City NJ for the ocean segment of the shoot.

My biggest concern was that the last scene in the storyboard was to have me emerging from the ocean at sunrise. If we were on the west coast I could have emerged from the ocean at sunset, but alas. I voiced my apprehension to get into the chilly Atlantic in a pre-dawn hour, knowing that there are crazy things afoot within those waters when it’s dark. It’ll be fine! they said.
Imagine my relief when the production ran slow so that we were just arriving at the ocean as the sun rose, and by the time everyone was in place having schlepped wickedly expensive gear 1/4 mile across the sand, it was daylight and I felt fine going into the water. And then, a week later the producer sent me a still shot from the overhead drone showing this:

Now I’m a thoroughly curious dude who has spent my lifetime cultivating awareness, and the phrase ignorance is bliss has never sat comfortably with me. But in this particular case I was immensely happy to have been ignorant of what was going on. Steve Irwin looms large in my mind…

When all was said and done, this was a pretty incredible project to have contributed to, and we were all thrilled at how it came out. I hope you enjoy the video, and hopefully you’ll enjoy the rest of Stereo League’s offerings as well ~ they’re definitely worth a listen.
I’m a big fan of another one of their videos “Money in your Mouth” as it’s another playful quirky concept. I hope they continue with this trend for sure. Thanks for visiting ~ Cheers!
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